“Infusing the mind with friendliness, compassion, cheerfulness, and uninvolved observation in relation to those living a happy, miserable, virtuous, and non-virtuous life respectively, results in reclaiming a pristine state of mind.”
Patanjali Yoga Sutras 1.33
Many of us as practitioners of Yoga have a deep wish to act in the best interest of others and help reduce suffering in the world. The first step in this processing is understanding that our own Karma is a reflection of how our actions align with our values.
All of us could use more kindness, understanding, presence and love. Yet, we can only offer each other that which you are able to access in your inner being. Join us for a special workshop to explore the “Four Qualities of the Heart."
The Brahma Viharas outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are Simple Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity. The Brahma Viharas are the most beautiful aspects of our existence. In this workshop will use discussion of Wisdom Teachings, Metta Mediation and Asana to further our understanding and depth of experience in the best that life has to offer.
Appropriate for all levels of practice. The workshop will include discussion, meditation and a yoga practice. Light refreshments and community to follow.