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Yoga and Essential Oils for Balancing Mood Workshop

Are you feeling unbalanced, moody or blue this time of year? It’s normal, but it can also be effectively managed through yoga and essential oils. This workshop will include a short questionnaire and discussion to assess how you may currently be managing your moods and experiences, suggestions of asana (poses) to better cope with strong emotions, oils matched to your unique energies and a 75 minute all levels gentle and restorative flow yoga practice incorporating suggested poses and oils. Each student will receive one customized essential oil roller ball.  The roller ball will match your individualized results from the questionnaire. Each student will also be entered to win a doTERRA Yoga Collection set of oils. Cost is $30.

This 2.5 hour workshop is a collaboration between Becca Childress and Tara Borlodan. 

Becca is a 200RYT and YogaFit for Warriors graduate. She has been using essential oils personally for almost 20 years and when she began yoga teacher training in 2013 she began to understand how powerful the two can be when combined and often adds oils into both her personal yoga practice and classes she is guiding.  Her portion of the class will be modeled after training she’s received through YogaFit for Warrior courses Restorative Therapeutics and Yoga for Balancing Mood.

Tara Borlodan is a doTerra Wellness Advocate.  Her passion for natural solutions began with a search for alternative ways to support her own emotional well-being.  Through the use of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade doTerra essential oils, Tara guides her clients with education, support and tools for all aspects of their health and wellness.  Tara’s portion of the workshop will include a discussion and hands-on learning experience with therapeutic grade oils.